Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christo's Wrapped Bottles, Cans, and Crates (1958-1960)

Christo's very early artwork began in 1958 when he moved to Paris. Gathering empty cans, bottles, and crates and covering them with resin-soaked canvas, tying them up and coating them with glue, varnish, sand, and a thin layer of dark-black or brown lacquer Christo created masterpieces with a limited amount of resources. After meeting and falling in love with Jeanne-Claude, Christo continued his work in their shared apartment in Paris.

Group of wrapped and not wrapped cans, oil barrels and crates
Photo: René Bertholo
© 1958-60 Christo

Christo's artistic expressions began to reveal the relations and comparative analysis of various objects, surfaces, and materials. Unfortunately, many of Christo's early works have not survived. After being unable to pay their rent, the landlord of the couple’s home threw majority of the works away. Some black and white photos do exist of his crates but many of the pieces physically standing today are cans and bottles.

Wrapped Cans
Group of ten cans, five wrapped
diameter of each: 4 to 4 1/8" (10 to 10.5 cm)
heigt of each: 4 3/4 to 5 1/8" (12 to 13 cm)
one bottle: 10 3/4 x 3" (27 x 7.5 cm)
Photo: Eeva Inkeri
© 1958-59 Christo

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